School introduces policy changes

Leslie Benitez, Opinions Editor

Upon entering the new school year students have noticed some major policy changes. These changes have many students concerned about how they dress, get to class, manage their time and phone usage.

“Students have actually been getting to class on time, it’s just the guys that choose to walk with their girlfriends,” Principal Jeffrey Stichler said. 

The biggest of changes that threw most students off was the minute taken off the passing period. Stichler says this is because more instruction time is needed in classrooms more than ever compared to last year. Administration is said to stick with this bell schedule for as long as needed. 

“What I feel about the school taking a minute off the passing period is bad, not terrible but it’s not the same,” sophomore Roselyn Davila said. “Thinking about it, we have more new students this year. It takes time to get across the school with a bunch of kids in the way.”

Phones aren’t permitted in the same way they were last year, where teachers were more flexible with phone usage throughout the school day. Most of that had to do with old COVID regulations. Now phones are not allowed at all during instruction unless needed. This is due to phones being such a distraction, according to Stichler. 

“The phone policy is so unnecessary, phones are sometimes needed in emergencies,” Davila said. “Last year was better, I personally don’t like the new policy.”

Dress code has remained mostly the same except for a few minor changes mostly for girls. The big difference is that administrators have gotten more strict with dress coding students. The policy used to ensure that girls’ shirts could be tucked into their pants, now has been modified to where your shirt must fit your pants waistline and have no midriff or skin shown, instead.

“What I wear shouldn’t be a distraction,” junior Christal Benitez said. “Dress code is a big L.”

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