Getting There

Josh Christenberry, Editor

As you may have noticed throughout the hallways, the location of many of the classrooms has changed. As opposed to last year when the classrooms were grouped together according to grade, the rooms are now placed by subject. A lot of students think that the new placement is good for nothing other than causing confusion, while others believe that this order is just common sense.

This new system was put into place to help all the teachers of the same subject have an overall more convenient way to work together and make improvements to the way they work and educated their students.
Despite the reasoning, several students still disagree with the layout.

“I think it’s pretty lame,” junior Loren Barrera said. “Upperclassmen are crowded with freshmen who don’t know where their classes are yet and a lot of times it makes upperclassmen look bad for showing up to class late because they couldn’t get around everyone fast enough.”

On the other hand, some feel the changes do not affect them very much.

“It doesn’t really bother me at all,” senior Hunter Cook said.

Regardless of how it affects you, or doesn’t affect you, the new layout is something everyone will have to get used to to make the best of this year.