Erica Gordan
- Positions: World history teacher and freshman basketball Coach
- School Activities: Coaches basketball
- Years at Caney Creek: 1
- Years Teaching: 3
How would other people describe you?
Kind fun to be around, and passionate about my job.
Was there a career you wanted to pursue OR pursued before teaching. ?
I’ve always wanted to be a teacher since I was, like probably 12.
Tell us about how you got into teaching. ?
I’ve always wanted to be a basketball coach. Teaching just kind of goes along with that. It was what I pursued in college, and it just kinda is what I’ve wanted to do forever.
What do you do outside of school for fun? Why?
Play basketball, go hiking, and watch movies. I am super active and outdoorsy.
When people get to know you, what are they most surprised to learn about you?
I had my first right rib removed and I had surgery on my shoulder and had to remove my pec minor and my rib Plus i have it in a jar in my classroom.
Tell us the story about what you are most proud of yourself for.
Graduating in three years and teaching at the age of 24.
Who is someone you are thankful for and why?
My husband, because he supports me and really the one reason I survived teaching.
What advice would you give to someone pursuing a career similar to yours?
Make sure you really love it. Make sure you really love kids and that you’re okay spending a lot of hours and time that you won’t really get a lot of appreciation for, but it’s worth it in the end.
What do you hope to be remembered for?
My kindness and I’ve bent over backwards for the kids and the teaching here.
What’s on your bucket list?
Go to The Grand Canyon and Hike Mount Everest.
- Food: Chicken parmesan
- Song: Country music
- TV Show: “Gossip Girls”
- Book: “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee