The Beggar’s Opera

Josh Christenberry, Editor

This weekend, students and beginning thespians performed their major play this week.

The play is a comedy in which a group of beggars, in an attempt to make money, form a funny and dramatic play with the best of their abilities. Under the guise of actors, the beggars present a tale of a rich, young, womanizing captain and the story of his downfall. After building up, there is a plot twist which in turn creates a much happier ending for the crew.

“[My favorite part of the play] was when the girls were fighting,” junior Rocio Perez said.

Perez played the part of a tavern women in the production.

For many of the students, this was their first time to perform a play in front of an audience.

“I had so much fun, I love acting,” junior Jessica Lowe said.

This event was Lowe’s first high school performance.

The students are anxious about their next performance and are diligently working at improving their theatrical skills.