The Musical Comedy Murder of 1940

Josh Christenberry, Editor

Caney Creek’s theatre department presented their second play of the year this past Thursday and Saturday in the auditorium.

John Bishops, “The Musical Comedy Murders of 1940,” is a comedic take on a murder mystery story that takes place in a New York mansion, complete with secret passageways and traps. Elsa Von Grossenkneuten, owner of the mansion, invites guests to a backdoor audition, including some from a crew known for the Stage Door Slasher incident in which their last production had three women murdered. As soon as the plot unfolds, guests are murdered, knives appear from seemingly nowhere, evidence is found behind spinning bookshelves and hidden doors, and many fingers of accusation and fear are left shaking. Through humorous performance, witty punchlines, and the problem solving skills of the remaining members, the Stage Door Slasher is eventually unmasked.

The actors and crew members worked non-stop to perfect all aspects of the play.

“[the hardest part of preparing for the performance] was getting together and getting everything set and memorized,” junior Katie Gray said. “Many of our actors are involved in other extra curricular activities but it’s usually never a problem and we always put on the best show we can.”

Despite all of the hurtles, the team’s group effort and hard work paid off and the performance was a big success.