Counting Down to Finals

Brandon Skero, Assignments Reporter

We’re approaching the halfway point in the year and finals are just around the corner. Now
is the time to take advantage of some extra time to ace the finals. Tutorials are being offered every Tuesday and Thursday after school from 2:45 to 4:50 for students to do the work they need help in.

“It is for kids in the four core subject areas that need the help,” Associate Principal Nancy Kahn said.

If you’re struggling in any subject it is a perfect time to figure things out as finals approach so
that you can make the best grade possible and it’s available to everyone.

“You have to bring your assignments and be there no later than 3:00,” Kahn said.

In a normal classroom there can be up to thirty students with just one teacher and it can make it
hard for a for a student to focus and understand everything. With more time and less students in
a classroom, kids will have the chance to study and get all the help they need.

“I think it’s a good opportunity for when kids need to study for a test or work on something,” Kahn

Only 5 weeks left before the end of the semester!
Learning Lab Hours and Room Numbers
Tuesday and Thursday at 2:45
English 1115 Ms. Walker and Ms. Franklin
Social Studies 1115 Mr. Tolmsoff
Math 1110 Ms. Erwin and Ms. Puyana
Science 2117 Ms. Reimer