Angel Tree – A Season for Giving

Josh Christenberry, News Editor

Donations of different gifts and toys have been collected since we returned from Thankgiving break, this donations are going towards the Christmas program, Angel Tree.
Angel Tree is a program where kids from families who cannot afford Christmas gifts write down a wish on an angel shaped piece of paper and hang it on a Christmas tree.
At The Creek, or any other schools that participate in it, the person interested in donating can pick one of these papers, or angels, off the tree and then go out and purchase an assortment of items for the angel to receive. As a result, the child listed on the paper will receive presents to unwrap on Christmas morning. The Creek’s tree is located in the front office.
“Angel Tree is something we do for our students who need a little extra help during Christmas time,” Counselor’s Secretary Diana Outlaw said. “The names are submitted to us through counselors and teachers.”
The program is a good opportunity for students to give gifts to financially disadvantaged children. If gifts are unable to be purchased, donations of money can be given and gifts will then be bought and turned in by hosts of the organization. There is no minimum donation limitations, all help is greatly appreciated.
Results of the event have been very successful in the previous years the Creek has participated in the program and many families were helped out tremendously. The items will be collected until just before students get out for Christmas vacation.