Jamie Morgan
- Position: Algebra teacher
- Bachelors/Degrees & from where: Educational from Sam Houston and master degree mathematic from Lamar University
- School Activities: UIL and math bowl
- Years at Caney Creek: 1
- Years Teaching: 12
How would other people describe you?
People will describe me as organized and fun to be around.
Was there a career you wanted to pursue OR pursued before teaching.
I started in accounting, trying to get an accounting degree. But prior to that, I was a TDCJ correctional officer.
Tell us about how you got into teaching.
I was a correctional officer for a while, and decided that I wanted to be able to impact kids before they got to a position or had issues, and so I turned around and went into education.
What do you do outside of school for fun? Why?
I build legos with my one year old and 3 year old child and we build massive legos.
When people get to know you, what are they most surprised to learn about you?
That I have tattoos, that’s usually a very interesting thing for people to learn.
Tell us the story about what you are most proud of yourself for.
I am proud of myself for going to college and finishing my degree. I’m the first out of all my siblings that went to school and got a degree.
Who is someone you are thankful for and why?
I am truly thankful for one of my bestfriends i met in teaching Mrs. Moyer because she kind of taught me everything it took to be a teacher.
What advice would you give to someone pursuing a career similar to yours?
Keep in mind why you wanted to do it. Focus on your vision and your dream and know your why everyday, because it’s the reason you get up, it’s the reason you come to work and put forth every effort to do it.
What do you hope to be remembered for?
I hope to be remembered for being the teacher for at least one kid, that is the reason they’re here, the reason they want to come to school every day.
What’s on your bucket list?
Visit every state, and then try to visit at least one country in every continent.
How often do you think about the Roman Empire?
It’s somewhere I want to be able to visit, but it’s not a lot that I think about.
- Food: Mexican food
- Song/Artist/Music: “Reba McEntire”
- Movie or TV Show: “Breaking Bad”
- Book: “50 Shades of Grey” by E.L. James