Panther Life Wins Big

Josh Christenberry, Editor

Panther life brought home several awards in different categories after traveling to
the annual Montgomery county fair and competing in art, livestock, and floral

After a lot of preparation and hard work, the students successfully claimed 28
percent of the prize places for their age range.

“I did the floral arrangement and showed my pig,” junior Jacie Cotton said. “I got
an award for my floral arrangement.”

Cotton received the grand prize in horticulture for entering a tea themed floral
arrangement. Another student, junior Travis Kelbey, made a house out of cardboard.

“I got the second place award,” Kelbey said.

After the competing, the participants got to enjoy riding all of the rides at the fair
before being open to the public.

The students are involved in this event every year and will be traveling back to the
fairgrounds next year in hopes of bringing home even more awards.