- Grade: 10
- Sport: Wrestling
- Weight class: 120 lbs
- Age Started Playing: 12
How would other people describe you?
Some people call me special for some reason. I don’t know about that, but they’ll call me a strong person, you know. A well-minded individual.
How and why did you start playing?
I started playing because I saw my brother doing it, and the way he explained it really inspired me. I like doing hard things. The first time my brother took me to practice, I fell in love with the sport.
Describe how you prepare before a game/tournament.
The day before the tournament, I eat close to nothing to make sure my weight is down. On the day of the tournament, we sleep most of the time after we weigh in. You already know that big sandwich is coming in, and I’m munching until my match starts. In the middle of the tournament, I just put my music on and lock in.
What do you think your reputation is as an athlete?
As an athlete, people know me when I get there. They can tell from my record that I’m not someone who just started, but I’m not a pro either.
What personal superstitions or traditions do you have before, during, or after a game?
After a game, I usually eat whatever I want because I know I’m done. Before the game, I usually just listen to my favorite song and lock in.
Tell us about your favorite memory as an athlete, either on or off the field.
My first ever match on varsity was incredible. I won in 30 seconds, and people didn’t really hype me up at first, but as soon as I got on the mat, they started hyping me up, which was kind of confusing. But I got the win and some highlights out of it too. It was kind of explosive.
Tell us the story about what you are most proud of yourself for.
I’m proud of myself for keeping on going and not giving up after I lose. Losing breaks me down, but I still keep going.
Who is someone you are thankful for and why?
I’m thankful for my coach, for real, because without him, I probably wouldn’t go to practice. My parents don’t want to drive me here, and they don’t really like the sport. But my coach is always bringing me to practice and taking me to tournaments, no matter that he lives 30 minutes away. It’s a lot for him. I sometimes give him gas money because, you know, I gotta help out.
What advice would you give to people that may want to play your sport?
Don’t overthink it. Once you go in there for a couple of practices, you’ll find out what it is.
What’s on your bucket list?
For wrestling, I want to at least qualify for state, that’s one of the top things on my bucket list. There are other things on the side that, if they’re possible, I hope to go to Division 1 wrestling, maybe.
- Post Game Meal: Raising Canes
- Exercise: Lifting weights
- Song: Ponte Pa’ Mi-Rauw Alejandro
- Movie: The Notebook
- Athlete: Lionel Messi
- Color: Blue