Katrina Makes it to State

Katrina Makes it to State

Josh Christenberry, Editor

During the course of this year, Caney Creek has won many awards in different categories at different events. At average competitions, a fairly large group of students will travel and compete. But, just this past Saturday, April 25, a visual arts scholastic event, or VASE, was held and only one Caney Creek student was entered in to compete in the state wide competition.
Sophomore Katrina Cunanin entered a portrait of her grandparents in front of a cherry blossom tree into a previous event after being inspired by her culture and the ones she loves. The peace, in total, took her about two months to complete.
“I love my grandparents and I love my culture, so combining them into a pice of art seemed like a good idea,” Cunanin said.
The piece won, and she was the only student chosen to advance on to the next VASE meet.
“It was an honor to be chosen,” Cunanin said. “but I would have loved to have had a few companions to spend time with.”
The competition not only served as a way to show her work, but it also was a learning experience for those who attended.
“By observing some of the art, I was inspired to research and try out new techniques,” Cunanin said.
After her success at this years event, Cunanin plans to get involved with the same competition again next year.