- Position: Algebra 2 teacher
- Bachelors/Degrees: Bachelor’s degree from Mercer University, Masters degree from Columbus State University & masters degree from Loyola University
- Years at Caney Creek: 2
- Years Teaching: 39
How would other people describe you?
Most people describe me as fair. I try to give people opportunities. I’m always offering to help but they get annoyed with me because I want them to have an ID on.
Was there a career you wanted to pursue OR pursued before teaching.
When I first started college I was a music major but even then I wanted to teach music but after an accident I had I couldn’t do that anymore. I was a violinist. I played in a symphony for 4 years. That kind changed the kind of teaching I wanted to do.
Tell us about how you got into teaching.
When I was in high school I had jobs tutoring other students. I just always wanted to have a career where I help people.
What do you do outside of school for fun? Why?
I read a lot. I like to play with my granddaughters and we play a lot of Uno. Not by choice but because that’s what they wanted to play. I also really like my church activities.
When people get to know you, what are they most surprised to learn about you?
I don’t think I have surprises. Maybe that I grew up in Columbus, Georgia. My whole adult life was in New Orleans so I normally say I’m from New Orleans. But my hometown is Columbus, Georgia. And maybe that I started college as a music major. That may surprise some people
Tell us the story about what you are most proud of yourself for.
Being a grandmother. Both of my children are deceased and I’ve tried to step up and help with the granddaughters. My grandsons have a parent but my granddaughters don’t have any parents. The other grandmother and I tried to do things and she has a couple of them. One of them lives with me. We’ve made that our priority.
Who is someone you are thankful for and why?
Immediately right here right now Ms. Revelli. She is amazing. This whole team. Dr. lee does the lesson plans, Ms. Revelli gets the lessons done. We work so well as a team so that instead of everyone repeating everything, we just work on it together. I’m also thankful for my Sunday school class. When I left New Orleans, I left so many friends and family members there. My Sunday school class stepped in and every Sunday I feel like I’m going to a family reunion.
What advice would you give to someone pursuing a career similar to yours?
You don’t do it for the money. It’s a good steady job. It’s a 9 to 5 job. There’s always a lot of work but it’s a very fulfilling job you just have to know what you’re getting yourself into. No matter how hard you work or what you do there’s always someone who’s not happy about it and you just have to do your best and get over it.
What do you hope to be remembered for?
Being compassionate, caring beyond just what their grades are.
What’s on your bucket list?
There’s so many things on my bucket list. I want to take a cruise through Alaska and watch the whales. That’s one of the things I really want to do. I also want to go to New York at Christmas time.
- Food: Salmon
- Song: Holy Forever-Chris Tomlin
- Movie: It’s a Wonderful Life
- Color: Blue