Alumnus Likens takes to the spotlight with film career

Jazilyn Murray and Alexis Lutz

Not everyone gets to live their dream, but successful alumni Taylor Likens does.

Likens graduated from Caney Creek in 2010 and attended Sam Houston State University where he studied film psychology and English. Likens writes and directs short films.

Caney Creek is where Likens first got to play around with a camera and got introduced to video editing. Likens was in KPAN for several years, which was taught at the time by former assistant principal Ashley Wallace. Likens filmed three movies “Sin Jar” “A-point” and “Home”

Wallace and other teachers at Caney Creek helped motivate Likens to keep moving forward and never give up . Likens also met his wife Emily there and she is also one of the main reasons Likens keeps moving forward in his career today.

“The film I think is the most successful was my first major one – a horror short called ‘Sin Jar,’” The project was way too ambitious. However, that also made it the best learning opportunity you could ever ask for.”

Likens had many struggles to face. When Likens wanted to start seriously filming he had no money, and no equipment for many years. Likens also dealt with depression and social anxiety like many teens do now. Likens pushed through his challenges by pushing his limits of comfort and taking risks.

“My first time directing was so terrible, I nearly vomited and did a terrible job,” Likens said. “That’s kinda what first times are for though. If you’re lucky your first time will be so terrible that it’s nothing but uphill from there.”

Likens said a general word of advice would start with the premise that “20 to 30 percent of your life will already be gone.”

“Don’t waste the rest trying to be comfortable,” Likens said. “Do stuff that scares you – not stuff that hurts you, but things that might be intimidating.
“If you aren’t at least a little bit frightened, then you’re not moving forward. Don’t do drugs, don’t drop out, and don’t have kids before you’re 20. So on and so forth.”