Leadership has taken a trip

Jazilyn Murray, Contributing reporter

A group of freshman went on a trip to learn and acknowledge their future selves: Leaders.

According to Leadworthy Live’s official website, students are selected to attend an event featuring live music and thought-provoking talks from speakers who make up the best and most influential leaders in business, thought, and culture.

A Leadworthy live trip occurred Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2018 and freshman students were chosen to go on where they participate in small activities and have successful people give speeches about what it is like to be a leader. 25 freshman and 25 eighth graders from Moorhead Junior High that were selected.

One of the students who attended was freshman Lesly Alcantara.

Alcantara said that they listened to leaders talk about their experiences through life and what inspired them to be in Leadworthy.

“I guess they see something in me,” Alcantara said. “This professional illusionist, basically a magician, talked to us about how he was inspired, and how he started off as an accountant and his boss thought he wasn’t meant for that.”

Coach Banes was one of the chaperones on the trip. He was there with the students to observe what was said and the information that was given to the students about being a leader.

Banes said he wanted to be part of the trip because he was a former Teen Leadership teacher.

“Some people are afraid of being on the spot or afraid of failure,” Banes said. “It is also easier for others to follow than to lead. Accepting responsibility for their actions, a good communicator, knowing how to present themselves are all traits of a great leader.”

Banes also believed that the students who were chosen to participate have excellent leadership traits.

“I think the students enjoyed the credibility and skill set of the speakers most.” said Banes.

This trip helps students uncover their sense of leadership and work towards becoming a more self-dependent person.