Rapid growth ahead

Study: Caney Creek to exceed capacity within 6 years

Roberto Garcia, Contributing Reporter

Caney Creek will exceed 110 percent enrollment capacity within the next six years, according to data included with the upcoming bond election.
As its evidence of student enrollment growth, Conroe ISD commissioned the Population and Survey Analysts (PASA) to compile a survey of enrollment projections for the entire district. As a whole the district is expected to grow 14,000 students over the next 10 years.
“The district is growing,” Principal Dr. Jeff Stichler said. “The growth is pretty much the same from year to year. We are seeing the same amount of growth basically every year. That’s something the district has to plan for eventually.”
CCHS currently has more than 2,000 students enrolled and is expected to grow by 75 percent in the next 10 years to more than 3,500 students.
Caney Creek, Conroe and Grand Oaks high schools are expected to see the most growth, while Oak Ridge and The Woodlands College Park are expected to remain stagnant. The Woodlands High School is anticipated to drop in enrollment in the same time period.
Moorhead Junior High, which feeds into Caney Creek, has already exceeded its 1,050-student capacity and will exceed 110 percent capacity next year, which prompted the Board of Trustees to recommend a new building.
“Student enrollment is increasing across CISD,” Moorhead Principal Roberto Garcia said. “Should the bond be approved by voters, Moorhead will become a second intermediate school and a new junior high will be built in the Caney Creek feeder zone.”
The proposed new junior high will have a maximum capacity of 1,600 students. Grangerland Intermediate is estimated to exceed capacity in 2023-2024
Two new schools in the Caney Creek feeder zone were included in the bond package, a junior high school and an elementary. Two of the existing elementary schools, Austin and Creighton, have already exceeded capacity.
CISD is in the “ring” of school districts around the Houston area that have seen constant growth in the last several years. Enrollment in CISD increased by 1,816 students, three percent, between 2016-2018. In the last five years, ending in Fall 2017, enrollment increased by 7,646 students, 14.2 percent.