Skills USA Cosmetology makes it to state


Alexius Rocha, Staff Reporter

Cosmetology competed in the SkillsUSA state mannequin competition April 3 at Corpus Christi for the first time in program history.

The class had three come in first place who include: Kathia Martinez, Rosbelia Rodriguez and Edith Hernandez. Yesica Cortez-Rodriguez, Emily Urieta and Maria Uscanga got exceptional ratings as well.

“The students nor myself did not know what to expect for our first time,” cosmetology teacher Kendria Monroe said. “Going in blindly and seeing how much more we can achieve after that I think really made all of us feel good.”

Martinez said she worked very hard to get first place, and challenges were faced during competition.

“It had been mine and my classmates first year participating in the program,” Martinez said. “The biggest challenge I faced in the SkillsUSA was probably not having as much as experience as the other competitors, but overall the competition was great.”

This was Rodriguez’s first time competing and said Monroe’s support was helpful.

“She made sure I always did things right,” Rodriguez said. “With this being our first year involved in Skills USA as a school, it was a challenge for her as a teacher and for us as students, but she did an amazing job at keeping us motivated and focused. She taught us well and all that support pushed me to achieve for first place.”

This is the second year the cosmetology program has been in existence at school and first time participating in competitions.

“My students worked really hard for the place they got,” Monroe said. “Seeing them work really hard and being motivated was really great for me. It also made me feel great as someone who taught them what they know.”