Drone use should be explored, not banned
Photo: ElyPenner
Sep 13, 2019
Drone use in the U.S. has drastically increased since its popularity in the early 21st century. Federal Aviation Administration predictions show the drone market could triple by 2023. This rapid growth in drones has caused concern in the U.S. over misuse, and has brought up discussion of a drone ban like in the case of United States v. Eric Lee Brown. This, however, is not the way to approach peoples’ concerns as the world will only continue to advance.
Drones with medical applications have been showing promise for the U.S. with UPS helping deliver medical supplies to hospitals. Showing drones are capable of performing menial tasks, and are less likely to encounter events that impede on the delivery. It also found drones, like the Tu Delft a drone ambulance prototype in Holland, were more cost effective than other manned methods. These, however, are only the beginning of medical applications for drones in modern day environments.
Search and rescue drones also are more efficient and precise in tasks given. For example 88-year-old Reyna Zunigia who was found by a Brownsville PD drone after being reported missing, and in 2017 two hikers were reported missing in Colorado and later found because of drones. Drones can save time and resources in the process.
The market for drones is currently around $127 billion. This has created thousands of jobs that cover professions including; Air Force, photography and agriculture. The rise in drones also creates jobs for companies like SpaceX and Aerospace along with other professions giving new life to the job industry.
However, concerns over privacy invasion are still a prevalent argument when deciding whether to ban drones. Yet, FAA regulations show drones must be registered at .55 pounds. Along with that, drones cannot be flown over private or government property giving another layer of protection to people.
Drones have proven useful can be a great tool in how the modern world operates. The market is still growing and advancing creating more opportunities and solutions. The argument of banning drones is an insult to what they can do and what they have done. The real solution is still making sure drones are used safely, but also to not ban or overly restrict so that their use can be further developed.Â