Police searching for football field vandal
Photo: Jaquelyn Rebollar
Tire tracks from an unknown person ruined the Caney Creek High School football field Sunday, Sept. 8 about 2 a.m. Police are still looking for suspects in the case.
Sep 15, 2019
The Caney Creek football field was left in disrepair after someone broke the lock to the gate and began to drive a truck around the field. Due to this incident, the freshman and JV football teams were forced to play at the Buddy Moorhead stadium in Conroe instead.
Conroe ISD police said the incident took place Sunday, Sept. 8 at 2 a.m. where officers eventually found the fence-lock cut and tire tracks across the field . Video surveillance for that night showed an unknown vehicle driving around the school and into the football field and retention ponds.
“We discovered it Sunday,” Principal Dr Jeffrey Stichler said. “(We) secured the area, (and) have already started work on getting it fixed and those types of things. I know police are investigating several leads, but they haven’t come to a conclusion yet so they’re still looking into evidence.”
The investigation is still ongoing and has not lead to any arrests.
“It makes me very mad that someone would disrespect our school that way and whoever did it, when we find them, we will prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law,” Stichler said.
Conroe ISD police are asking the public to send in any information they have to KidChat at 1-800-KID-CHAT or to contact the Conroe ISD police department at 936-709-8911.