Lack of space prevents solar power at CCHS
District looks at other ways of increasing energy efficiency
Photo: Submitted Photo
SOLAR PLAN. The new Stockton junior high is set to be the first solar-run school in Conroe ISD. The district says it will produce enough electricity.
Dec 16, 2019
Conroe ISD will have Stockton Junior High be the first school in the district to run on solar power.
The solar power will be a renewable energy source that will be beneficial by saving energy in the new Junior High. Even though Caney Creek is not able to run on solar power due to space, it has found other ways to be energy efficient like Stockton.
“Over the last several years we have been replacing the HVAC system components that reached the end of their lifespan,” Director Of Planning and Construction Easy Foster said. “When replacing equipment we always look for more efficient equipment to help reduce our energy consumption while also giving the Director of Custodial & Maintenance, Marshall Schroeder, equipment that can be used to keep our learning environments comfortable.”
Other than just saving energy in Caney Creek, other parts of the district have been planning to be more energy efficient. All new construction has been designed and built to meet the rigorous energy saving codes of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers.The district also continues to replace lighting with energy efficient LED fixtures.
“Although there are many technological advances helping the district meet our energy management goals, a huge factor still remains behavioral choices made by each individual,” Schroder said. “Simply turning off the lights, powering down electrical devices such as computers, monitors, projectors and smart boards when not in use, and closing doors make a huge impact on the amount of electricity used.”
The CISD planning and construction is hoping that their first experience with alternative energy source of this magnitude, likewise the first of their energy provider, would have great results. They look forward to continuing efforts in alternative forms of energy in future projects.
“Our larger new campus projects in the proposed 2019 bond do have a placeholder for another solar installation,” Foster said. “If things continue to go well at Stockton, then it should be a no-brainer to continue that at the proposed New Junior High.”