Imelda destroys teacher’s home
Photo: Submitted photo
Cleaning out damaged home
Dec 16, 2019
With the storm came the aftermath, which resulted in homes ruined and families heartbroken.
As the rain began to fall harder and the storm became more powerful. Special education teacher, Katie McDevitt was heavily affected by Imelda. In the night the water started to rise, whenever the sun rose, her family was able to see the damage and go straight into work mode.
Many were affected but some got the worst of the storm, such as McDevitt, but she stayed strong and overcame the destruction.
“I got about 2 inches in my house,” Mcdevitt said. “Which may not sound like a lot, but you have to tear out the floor and that kinda stuff. It’s all devastating, no matter how much water you get.”
After the storm passed many people came together as a community. Organizations from the school such as; the football team, wrestling team, churches, and many teachers from Caney Creek and the Conroe area offered to assist get McDevitt’s house back in shape.
“After the flood, we had a ton of help,” Mcdevitt said. “Coach Ferguson, he brought five guys from the wrestling team to help. Mr. Dietrich said he would get people from his church, that afternoon about six cars pulled up. Also, Coaches Bennett and Walker had some of the boys from the football team to help.”
The disaster was months ago, but people are still suffering from the consequences of Imelda.
“I felt really blessed that it wasn’t worse, but when you realize that even though it wasn’t much, it’s still a process, and will take time.”