Panthers Get Letters

Principle Trish McClure presents a Letterman to a deserving student in the auditorium.

Photo: Photo by Taylor Tanner

Principle Trish McClure presents a Letterman to a deserving student in the auditorium.

Taylor Tanner, Copy Editor

Wednesday at 7:14 a.m. in the auditorium, students received their letter jackets for academic, sports, and extra curricular activities.

Each year, a select number of students receive their jackets for various accomplishments, earning the rights to a whole new year of gloating and showing off.

“I worked really hard for it,” sophomore Alex Ramey, who received his academic letter, said. “I’m the first person in my family to get one and it feels really good.”

Assistant principles and counselors handed off the neatly-packaged letter-man’s to students in front of numerous proud parents.

Congratulations to the panthers who achieved this milestone.