How Do You Feel About That?

Brooke Franco, Staff Reporter

Last week there were reported rumors about a weapon coming into school, riots and the school possibly being shut down. Administration automatically took precaution to the situation and acted in a way to keep the students of Caney Creek High School safe. All the rumors appeared to be false and kids were disciplined for their actions. In order to take the proactive safety measures, Principle Mrs. Patricia McClure stated, “Out of abundance of caution, throughout next week, we will have extra police, our portable metal detectors, and additional hallway supervision.”

Many teachers were apart of searching the students while they went through the metal detector.

“It can be affective but everything in the early stages is not as affective as it would be in the later stages. Once we practice it a while it will probably be more affective,” said Geography teacher Mr. Ryan Rees.

As this continues, administration hope that it affects the student body in a positive way and influences them to behave correctly to continue to give Caney Creek High School a genuine name.