Remember Your Exemptions

Brooke Franco, Staff Reporter

Every school year, there is a time where students have to face long and stressful exams. It is time, again, for everyone to take their midterm exams. Students, excluding freshmen, have the opportunity to exempt the exams as long as they meet the standards.

There are various guidelines to follow for the first semester to exempt an exam.  A student’s semester average in that class much be an 85 or higher. Students also can’t have any more than four absences, with three tardies counting for one absence (for exam purposes only). Students that have been to ISS, OSS or DAEP will not be allowed to exempt and people with fines to pay to the school must pay it first to be eligible. A completed exam exemption form must be turned in on time or it will not be accepted. Teacher signatures are required.

Freshmen cannot exempt from any exams. Sophomores and Juniors can only exempt one time in the same subject and seniors can exempt both semesters as long as they are eligible both times.