What Are Your Goals?

Brooke Franco, Staff Reporter

A New Year’s Resolution is made by someone with the intentions to make themselves a better person. It is a way to set goals for yourself as a guideline to follow for the new year. People tend to follow the popular phrase, “New year, new me.”

“I think resolutions have an impact on some people, because it can change someone’s lifestyle for the better,” Sophomore Itzela Saldivar said.

Common resolutions include, losing weight, quitting a bad habit, do better financially and many others.

“My resolutions this year are to pass all my classes and to go to the gym with my mom,” Saldivar said.

Many people will forget about their goals, but some actually let it be a guideline for how to make it through the year.

“Last year my resolution was to lose weight but I didn’t do it because I didn’t try hard enough,” Saldivar said.