New Semester Brings Changes in Staff

Taylor Tanner, Copy Editor

Before winter break, senior English teacher Terie Beasley announced her intention to retire from her position. Of course, this left many seniors without an English teacher. As a result, new arrangements had to be made.

With Ms. Beasley gone, English teaching positions were left open. This caused quite the shift in class line up. For starters, English teacher Jodi Lewallen took over Beasley’s senior classes.

“I’ve never taught level seniors before,” Lewallen said. “It’s been really stressful teaching a new curriculum, but I like it.”

Taking over the classes Lewallen left behind is new teacher Valerie Litts. Mrs. Litts, previously a teacher at LoneStar College Montgomery, also traded rooms with Lewallen.

I believe everyone brings something unique to the classroom,” Litts said. “I look forward to working with all the different personalities, backgrounds, and experiences.”

Lewallen’s off period has also shifted to first, Litt’s taking the fourth period slot. Litts is now in room 4106 and Lewallen is now in 4202.