Newspaper v. Yearbook

Josh Christenberry, Staff Reporter

After taking the journalism prerequisite class, there are two classes to choose from: Yearbook and Newspaper. Both have advantages, but newspaper just has many, many more.

One of the advantages of being in newspaper is being able to see your work be published more often, as opposed to having to wait until the end of the year. The newspaper is updated weekly, so any new stories you write will appear each week.

Knowing more about whats going on around you is another benefit that comes with being a part of the newspaper staff. While gathering information for your stories, you’ll able to interview many people. This gives you the opportunity to meet new friends and, if they are involved in something that you may need information for on more than one occasion, will give you more resources to pull from later.

One of the biggest factors that gives newspaper the lead over yearbook is not having to worry about the pressures of excessive fund raising, as the newspaper cost much less to create and put into produce than the yearbook. In my opinion, the number one reason for joining newspaper is being able to be more creative with your stories overall, putting your own personal touch on them without having to stick with a set layout (like you do in yearbook.) There are not as many guidelines with newspaper and, when reading the newspaper, you will notice that each person has their own certain writing style that they put into each of their stories.