Happy Valentine’s Day

Brooke Franco, Staff Reporter

Valentine’s Day, Feb 14,  is a time where couples, crushes and friends show their love and appreciation for the people that they care about. There are many old fashioned ways in which this holiday is celebrated, including anything from a planned out date night to spending quality time with your special person.

The month of February has been known as the month of love for a very long time. There’s an old story that claims that the first person to send out a Valentine’s Day card was a man in prison. The story says that he fell in love so he sent out a letter to her right before his death and signed it with, “From your Valentine.” Since then, that phrase has became popular and is used to this day. Some believe that Valentine’s Day is celebrated in the middle of February in honor of the prisoner’s death.

Valentine’s Day has been celebrated since the 17th century, but during the 18th century lovers and friends began to exchange small items to show their affection for one another. Handwritten notes were the most common item to exchange but in the 1900’s, written cards began to be less popular due to the invention of the printing press. Other popular ways to show your love is by giving your lover or friend chocolate, flowers or balloons.

About one billion cards are sent out on Valentine’s Day which makes this holiday the top second holiday for cards. 85% of Valentine’s Day gifts are purchased by women.