Panther’s Valentines Dates

Brooke Franco, Staff Reporter

Valentine’s Day, Feb 14, is known as the day of love. This special day is the time for you to show your loved ones how much they mean to you. Many people do that by giving each other balloons, flowers, chocolates and stuffed animals.

“I’m going to see Endless Love and go out to eat afterward with my friends,” said sophomore Itzela Saldivar.

There are many different expectations for how the perfect date should go but either way, it seems that the girl expects what she asks for.

“My dream date is to get one rose, spend the day with him, watch a funny movie and then stay at home and relax,” Saldivar said,

In other people’s opinions, Valentine’s Day is a pointless day. The month of February has been known as the month of love for a long time now. Valentine’s Day has been celebrated since the 17th century, but during the 18th century lovers and friends began to exchange small items to show their affection for one another.