Character Counts at the Creek

One of the Pillars of Character, which is part of the Character Counts program.

Brooke Franco, Staff Reporter

A new club was created on Caney Creek that is named Character Counts. This club recruited some of the school leaders to help get their ideas on how to make the school a better education environment.

“The meaning of this club is to promote a more positive and caring environment at school,” said Chemistry teacher Doreen Quibodeaux.

Many kids nowadays are reserved when it comes to speaking up about what is right because they are influenced to blend in with the rest of the student body. Because of this, it is unknown whether this club will be affective or not.

“I think it will take time to be effective. It’s going to take a lot of change in how people think and students will feel like they have to risk popularity,” Quibodeaux said.

Most club in the school have a very important meaning or goal on why they were created.

“The goals are to promote the six character traits, to involve the student body, to increase school spirit and pride, and to develop an atmosphere that makes students more successful in life,” Quibodeaux said.

The next meeting will most likely be held on Tuesday, March 18th.