The District’s Proposition A, B, and C passed on Election day, Tuesday, Nov. 7. Superintendent Dr. Curtis Null released a video over the bond passage where he explained the next step for the district and thanked the community.
“This support from our community is a testament to the great work that you do each and every day,” Null said. “It should remind us all that our community supports us and believes in us as a school district.”
The school board will have a meeting next Wednesday, Nov. 14, where they will discuss how to use the $30 million dollars that was returned to the district’s savings fund for employee compensation. Options like retention stipends and potential raise scenarios will be brought up.
“Our goal is to make sure that we can get as much money in the pocket of each Conroe ISD employee that is possible with the funds that are available,” Null said.
The propositions will impact the school feeder zone as follows:
Proposition A will add a total of four new schools, make renovations, fix infrastructure, transportation, and safety and technology infrastructure in the Caney Creek feeder zone. The new schools include a Caney Creek 9th grade campus, Conroe Area High School and Junior High in the New Conroe-Area Feeder zone that are predicted to open in August of 2027. An elementary school on FM 242 to be open in August of 2025 will also be a part of this. Major renovations like flooring and electrical service equipment will be done on Creighton Elementary and San Jacinto Elementary. Infrastructure needs done on the school itself, Austin Elementary, Grangerland Intermediate, Milam Elementary and Veterans Memorial Intermediate. Transportation department improvements to be added along with new buses. Lastly, all campuses will receive safety and technology updates.
Proposition B is solely based on updating all campus technological devices.
Proposition C will add PE classrooms or elementary gyms to Creighton and San Jacinto Elementary. A CTE-Agriculture barn will be built to serve the school and Conroe High School.
Lastly, Proposition D was said to add an outdoor pool including natatorium mechanical refurbishment. However, it did not pass.
District-wide, Proposition A’s loan is $1,820,000,000, Proposition B’s loan is $40,000,000, proposition C’s loan is $112,877,000 and proposition C’s loan is $22,900,000.
On average, taxes on a home with a value of $500,000 is estimated to increase by a 2-cent impact of $6.67 a month.
For more information
Visit conroeisd.net/bond, or to see voting results visit elections.mctx.org.