Farewell Seniors

Brooke Franco, Reporter

As the end of the school year approaches, the class of 2014 are getting ready to say their last goodbye’s to high school and hello to reality. Many will be embracing their last few days as they start to prepare for college life.

Some of the biggest events in someone’s life happen during high school. People will have their first high school dance, Friday night football games, competitions and many more. All the seniors have left to take with them is their precious memories from the four years of high school.
“Prom was my favorite memory. It was nice seeing everyone dressed up and have a good time,” senior Juana Reyna said.

Leaving high school means changing their daily routine and not attending normal high school activities.

“I’m going to miss going to the basketball games. They were always fun to go to with my friends,” senior Brandy Wolf said.

When the door closes from high school, another door opens to college. The high school seniors will become college freshmen as they start a new chapter in their life and strive to achieve their goals.

“I’m going to go to the Art Institute of Houston to become a chef,” senior Victoria Metts said. “My goal is to open my own restaurant,”.

With a diverse senior class, not every graduate will follow the same career and study paths.

“I plan to go to Austin College for Mechanical Engineering or Physics. I want to either get my private pilot license, train people to fight or be a commercial pilot,” senior Jake Williams said.

While high school is coming to an end for the class of 2014, seniors flashback to their greatest memories of high school. When they walk out the door for the very last time, they take one step closer to the rest of their lives.