FFA to honor soldiers at Wreaths Across America

Hailey Caballero, Contributing Reporter

FFA will go to the Houston National Cemetery on Saturday, Dec. 17 at 11 a.m. to honor the fallen soldiers by laying remembrance wreaths on the veterans’ graves.

“I feel honored to go visit the fallen heroes to remember and honor by placing wreaths on their graves,” FFA sponsor Jessica Smith said.

At the event Wreaths Across America, people go to honor American heroes nationwide. It’s a day to lay wreaths at places where people remember and honor veterans. Volunteers place remembrance wreaths then say their name to ensure that their legacy, duty, service, sacrifice of that veteran will never be forgotten.

“The students typically also feel humbled by the sacrifice of service and are exposed to a bigger purpose,” Smith said.

Junior and FFA President Kylie Jones has been to a Wreaths Across America event in the past.

“I participated in Wreaths Across America a few years ago before COVID-19,” Jones said. “The event is very beautiful, you get to watch a ceremony for those who fought for all of the great freedoms we have in America today and then pay respect by laying wreaths on the graves of the veterans.” 

Wreaths Across America actually affects Jones personally; one of her relatives is buried at the Houston National Cemetery and she thinks getting to pay respect to him is a cool thing to do.

For more information on how to sponsor remembrance wreaths, volunteering, inviting family and friends to support, visit the event’s website