Sophomore runs nail business
Photo: Sebastian Montesinos
BUSINESS WOMEN.Sophomore Brenda Badillo poses with her homemade halloween themed acrylic nails design. She began to do her sister’s nails in 8th grade which gave her inspiration to begin her nail business 2 months ago.”People come up to me 2 times a week to do their nails,” Brenda Badillo said.
Oct 31, 2022
A sixth grader starting out with a $7 dollar Walmart inc nail kit. Sophomore Brenda Badillo started her passion for nails by watching YouTube videos, fascinated and inspired by the art and process of nail making.
Badillo is now a beginning nail tech.
“I began in sixth grade little by little,” Badillo said. “They used to be bad. I lied saying it was my cousin but it was me all along.”
She created her business through Instagram, naming it: Texas.nailz.
“I was thinking one night, ‘My Instagram username should be unique’,” Badillo said. “My inspiration came from the state, knowing it’s such a big place to grow and expand.”
Badillo uses social media platforms to promote her business.
“I attract my clients by my Instagram posts,” Badillo said. “If they like what they see they come to me.”
She likes making her clients comfortable by talking with them throughout sessions allowing her to connect and get to know what type of person they are.
“What I like about being a nail tech is talking to the girls.” Badillo said. “It makes me realize that we have the same problems. It helps me mentally, honestly.”
Having to deal with school and managing her business at the same time, become a challenge for Badillo at times.
“What I don’t like about being a nail tech is that most of my appointments are after school.” Badillo said. “But I still manage to make it through.”
Eventually, she wants to have a fixed schedule and increase her prices as her business improves.
“I’m working on making my calendar and my nail prices.” Badillo said. “I feel like I dont have much meaning behind my prices.”
Since her work is shown off by clients, she loves to see herself improve with each appointment.
“Since childhood, I have always loved to draw and paint ,” Badillo said. “I realized I do enjoy doing nails so hopefully I will grow into that career.”
Badillo has goals she wants to accomplish to grow her business.
“In a year or so hopefully I will have a bigger room and clientele,” Badillo said. “And even some female workers who can help me around.”
She encourages students to open up a business of their own.
“When you are barely starting your business, be confident of your own work,” Badillo said. “And when getting clients/customers, be patient with them.”
Badillo’s Instagram, Texas.nailz has a highlight titled: “BOOK HERE”, where appointments can be set up and her availability can be viewed.