Kids Soar With Kites

Panther Life students running with their flying kites.

Photo: Taylor Tanner

Panther Life students running with their flying kites.

Taylor Tanner, Copy Editor

On April 21 and 22, members of the Panther Life classes here at the Creek joined Ms. Hood’s fourth and sixth period classes.

“This is something we do with Panther Life every year,” Hood said. “It’s always such a joy to have them come and experience this with my classes.”

The students were broken up into groups of three, intermingling with Ms. Hood’s classes, as they worked together to create pyramid shaped kites out of straws and ribbons.

“My favorite part was when we tied the ribbons together to the straws to make the kites,” Panther Life student Amiri Ali said.

Students were also allowed to pick out their own multicolored tissue paper to tape to the kite, which is what allowed the wind to catch the kites so that they would fly.

“It was fun when the wind blew it up into the air,” Amiri said.

This annual activity was a chance for students to meet new people while getting out for some fresh air and fun.